TRY us

Transform your physical & mental health in 30 days.

30-DAY foundation program

Feeling lost, demotivated and fed up with your fitness journey? Or, are you looking to level up your training? The BSC 30-Day Foundation Program will unlock new levels of motivation and confidence so you can start enjoying training again!

Try everything we have to offer before moving into membership, including expert evaluation, unlimited fitness classes,
8 small group PT sessions, nutrition and lifestyle support. In 30 days, you will:

✓ Create a new healthier, happier lifestyle

✓ We’ll take you from struggling to thriving

✓ Focus on improving your long term health and fitness

✓ Transform your mindset

✓ Better understand your nutrition


Once you have completed and submitted the form, one of our coaches will contact you to take payment and arrange your evaluation session.

What’s included?

The BSC 30-day Experience has been designed to give you everything you need to thrive and start moving towards your goals, whether they’re physical, mental or emotional. Try everything we have to offer before moving into a membership.


Expert evaluation

You will start with a 30-minute expert evaluation with one of our coaches. During this evaluation, you will have a personalised success strategy and movement analysis so we can design your own personal programme.


8 Small Group PT sessions

During the 30-Day, you have access to our signature small group PT sessions. Working through the fundamentals of movement and weight training, you will quickly see results and establish more confidence.

Large group personal training

Try all of our fitness classes as many times as you would like, with unlimited access. Our classes consist of three core blocks: Burn, Build, Balance. Discover more about our classes here.


Nutrition & lifestyle support

Throughout the 30-Day Program, you will be supported by nutrition and lifestyle coaching from our team; aligned with your goals and personal programme to help you get the best results during your experience.






Why is the foundation program £227?

A fantastic deal considering the package should cost north of £397. We have always seen more motivation to adherence when there is a financial commitment involved.

What if I have never trained like this before/ I have never been to a gym like this before?

Do not worry, we pride ourselves on making sure every single member feels welcomed and seen. Ensuring you progress at your own pace whether that’s a seasoned lifter or someone who has never stepped foot in the gym before, we have you covered with our levelled system, ensuring each member has something challenging but realistic to work with.

What is SGPT? (Small Group PT)

Small group personal training is the bread and butter of BSC. It’s a 50-minute group personal training session, designed for you to receive the best level of coaching to help you move and lift weights with confidence. It’s like 1-2-1 personal training, but way more motivating and engaging as you’re training with 6 other people. is how to lift with confidence along the way.

Does BSC Fitness only offer physical training?

No, we have created a holistic approach to supporting our communities health and fitness, prioritising health, energy and sustainability in the first instance. In the first 30 days, we identify what is currently preventing you from achieving your current goals, whether that’s nutrition, mindset or training. We will leave no stone unturned.

What happens after 30 days

The whole point of the 30 days is to see what works for you, throughout the 30 days we would constantly catch up to see how you’re getting on, what sessions work well in terms of frequency, types of sessions etc. From there and once the 30 days is over we can help guide you to what we think would be the best type of membership for you, this will very much be determined by your goals and what you can commit to.

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